Atacama Stories Multimedia -
In the summer of 2006, I traveled to the Atacama Desert of Chile, considered the driest in the world, to document the lives of people who live there. I worked on two stories while there. One, "A Desert Dweller" is about a hippie who lives alone with no electricity nor plumbing with no neighbors for miles. The other story, "Protecting the Frontier", is actually about the hippie's nearest neighbors, a group of police officers who protect Chile's border with Bolivia. Since this site is Flash-based, there are no direct links to specific stories. Instead, you must navigate through the site. To find A Desert Dweller, click the link for portraits.
Once there, click the title of the story, A Desert Dweller. Be sure to turn your volume up, as both of these stories have crucial audio components.
To find Protecting the Frontier, back on the navigation bar, click community.
Then click Protecting the Frontier to watch the story. 
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